Our Story
未来視点から、持続をファンダメンタルにとらえて、バトンを渡し繋ぐ。どんな環境変化でも、未来へ目線を上げ、したたかに現実に向き合い、100年後でも自律的に芽を出していく、成長に必要な「基盤」づくりを、常に事業の 真ん中において、私たちはこれまでも、これからも、進んでいます。
In the natural field where we base our activities, various environmental changes, including weather conditions such as rain, wind, snow, and storms, relentlessly occur, showing no mercy equally. Encountering situations of existential crisis in the environment is a common occurrence for organisms interacting with nature. Even in harsh conditions, seeds, with the foundation of soil, light, water, and wind, in other words, with a foundation, will sprout new shoots without fail when the cold winter ends, and the snow melts to welcome spring. Because living organisms have always devised strategies to connect seeds and have persevered with robust vitality in any environment, they are here right in front of us now. Taking a future perspective, considering sustainability as fundamental, and passing on the baton. Facing any environmental change with a gaze toward the future, looking reality squarely in the eye, and always having the foundation to sprout autonomously for growth — these are the foundations that we are always placing at the core of our business. From a future perspective, looking at the community and companionship a hundred years from now, we aim to contribute to the next generation by weaving, gathering, and connecting the three domains of "travel and mobility," "learning," and "food" as business. We hope for your support as we embark on this journey.

Business Unusual

We thought that the model is nature and the ecosystem of this earth, and we proceeded to make things happen. From here, as another option other than "school," for children who will be the leaders of the future, we have further extended our previous educational approach and have been practicing since 2016 the creation of a curriculum for children to play in nature using fire, various tools and digital technology, and the power of sōzōryoku (imagination and creation) and learning.


旅と移動には、その先に新しい体験があり、太古に時代から自己と世界を本質的に変えていく力があります。インバウンドも含めた旅客にとっての「新しい旅」の体験を目指し、地方の持続可能な新しい価値を創出。観 光事業を入り口とした地方魅力化、創生への貢献を目指しています。そのため、地域共創型組織による新体験価値開発と、リアル/デジタル両軸でのサービス提供、地元と旅客による地域魅力情報発信の3つを軸に実践していきます。
Travel and mobility have the power to essentially change the self and the world since time immemorial, with new experiences ahead of them. We aim to create "new travel" experiences for passengers, including inbound travelers, and create sustainable new value for local regions. We aim to contribute to the attraction and creation of local regions through the tourism business as a gateway. To this end, we will implement three key initiatives: the development of new experience value through a regional co-creation type organization, the provision of services in both the real and digital worlds, and the dissemination of information on regional attractions by local communities and their passengers.
The primary industry in Japan is facing declining demand due to a shrinking population and diversifying dietary needs, and stagnant prices are making business more difficult. We would like to contribute to the revitalization of procurement, production, processing, distribution, and consumption, with an eye on overseas markets, by creating value through recycling based on new interpretations and methods, while taking the baton of rice and agricultural products and the food culture created from them, which our predecessors have produced with love, care, and sincerity. At the same time, we are committed to providing a place and opportunity for consumers to enjoy their meals with a smile now and 100 years from now as well as to contribute to a sustainable food system based on recycling.